28 décembre 2019

Albums pop : best of 2019

  1. Ducktails - Watercolors (bandcamp)

  2. Golden Daze - Simpatico (bandcamp)

  3. Jorge Elbrecht - Gloss Coma - 002 (bandcamp)

  4. Office Culture - A Life of Crime (bandcamp)

  5. Morabeza Tobacco - Morabeza Tobacco (bandcamp)

  6. Locate S,1 - Healing Contest (bandcamp)

  7. Crumb - Jinx (bandcamp)

  8. Men I Trust - Oncle Jazz (bandcamp)

  9. Homeshake - Helium (bandcamp)

  10. Ariel Pink - Odditties Sodomies Vol 2. https://arielpink.bandcamp.com/album/odditties-sodomies-vol-2
  11. Alex G - House of Sugar https://sandy.bandcamp.com/album/house-of-sugar
  12. Allah-Las - Lahs https://allah-las.bandcamp.com/album/lahs
  13. Anderson .Paak - Ventura https://www.thebackpackerz.com/anderson-paak-ventura/
  14. Avey Tare - Cows on Hourglass Pond https://aveytare.bandcamp.com/album/cows-on-hourglass-pond
  15. Axxa/Abraxas - Get Weird or Die Boring https://axxaabraxas.bandcamp.com/album/get-weird-or-die-boring
  16. Barrie - Happy To Be Here https://barrie.bandcamp.com/album/happy-to-be-here
  17. Big Thief - Two hands https://bigthief.bandcamp.com/album/two-hands-3
  18. Black Marble - Bigger Than Life - https://blackmarble.bandcamp.com/album/bigger-than-life
  19. Blue Hawaii - Open Reduction Internal Fixation https://bluehawaii.bandcamp.com/album/open-reduction-internal-fixation
  20. The Brian Jonestown Massacre - The Brian Jonestown Massacre https://bjmband.bandcamp.com/album/the-brian-jonestown-massacre
  21. Tracy Bryant - Hush https://tracybryant.bandcamp.com/album/hush 
  22. The Budos Band - V https://thebudosband.bandcamp.com/album/the-budos-band-v
  23. Chris Cohen - Chris Cohen https://chriscohen.bandcamp.com/album/chris-cohen
  24. Sam Cohen - The Future's Still Ringing In My Ears https://samcohen.bandcamp.com/album/the-futures-still-ringing-in-my-ears 
  25. Deerhunter - Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? https://soundcloud.com/deerhunterofficial/sets/why-hasnt-everything-already
  26. De Lorians - De Lorians https://deloriansbbib.bandcamp.com/album/de-lorians
  27. Mac Demarco - Here Comes The Cowboy https://macdemarco.bandcamp.com/album/here-comes-the-cowboy
  28. Diane Coffee - Internet Arms https://dianecoffee.bandcamp.com/album/internet-arms
  29. Chromatics - Closer To Grey - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KAWnFLvDXA
  30. Gary Clark Jr - This Land
  31. The Delines - The Imperial https://thedelines.bandcamp.com/album/the-imperial
  32. DIIV - Deceiver https://diivct.bandcamp.com/album/deceiver
  33. Drugdealer - Raw Honey https://drugdealerband.bandcamp.com/album/raw-honey
  34. Ela Orleans - Movies for Ears https://elaorleans.bandcamp.com/album/movies-for-ears
  35. Elbow - Giants of All Sizes https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/113846802
  36. Floating Points - Crush https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/crush
  37. Foxygen - Seeing Other People https://foxygen.bandcamp.com/album/seeing-other-people
  38. Garcia People - Natural Facts https://garciapeoplesbbib.bandcamp.com/album/natural-facts
  39. Gesaffelstein - Hyperion https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/89510472
  40. Steve Hauschildt - Nonlin https://stevehauschildt.bandcamp.com/album/nonlin
  41. GoldLink - Diaspora https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/99578782
  42. Hiss Golden Messenger - Terms of Surrender https://hissgoldenmessenger.bandcamp.com/album/terms-of-surrender
  43. Horsebeach - The Unforgiving Current https://horsebeach.bandcamp.com/album/the-unforgiving-current
  44. Hibou - Halve https://hibouband.bandcamp.com/album/halve
  45. ILoveMakonnen - M3 https://ilovemakonnen.bandcamp.com/album/drink-more-water-3
  46. Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Dissolution https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/111081372
  47. Jay Som - Anek Ko https://jaysom.bandcamp.com/album/anak-ko
  48. Joan Shelley - Like The River Loves The Sea https://joanshelley.bandcamp.com/album/like-the-river-loves-the-sea
  49. Jorge Elbrecht - Coral Cross - 002 https://jorgeelbrecht.bandcamp.com/album/coral-cross-002
  50. Julian Lynch ‎– Rat's Spit https://julianlynch.bandcamp.com/album/rats-spit
  51. Kindness - Something Like A War https://kindness.bandcamp.com/album/something-like-a-war
  52. Matt Kivel - Last Night In America https://mattkivel.bandcamp.com/album/last-night-in-america
  53. Cate Le Bon - Reward https://catelebon.bandcamp.com/album/reward
  54. Lower Dens - The Competition https://lowerdens.bandcamp.com/album/the-competition
  55. Cass McCombs - Tip Of The Sphere https://cassmccombs.bandcamp.com/album/tip-of-the-sphere
  56. Mega Bog - Dolphine https://megabog.bandcamp.com/album/dolphine
  57. Meryl Ethel - Triage https://methylethel.bandcamp.com/album/triage
  58. Kevin Morby - Oh My God https://kevinmorby.bandcamp.com/album/oh-my-god
  59. Oh Sees - Face Stabber https://ohsees.bandcamp.com/album/face-stabber
  60. Operators - Radiant Dawn https://operatorsband.bandcamp.com/album/radiant-dawn
  61. Part Time - Modern History https://partime.bandcamp.com/album/modern-history
  62. Pavo Pavo - Mystery Hour https://pavopavo.bandcamp.com/album/mystery-hour
  63. Pinkisih Black - Concept Unification https://pinkishblack.bandcamp.com/album/concept-unification
  64. Pond - Tasmania https://pondling.bandcamp.com/album/tasmania-explicit
  65. Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs https://jessicapratt.bandcamp.com/album/quiet-signs
  66. Tim Presley's White Fence - I Have to Feed Larry's Hawk (bandcamp)
  67. Priests - The Seduction of Kansas https://priests.bandcamp.com/album/the-seduction-of-kansas
  68. Prins Thomas - Ambitions https://prinsthomas.bandcamp.com/album/ambitions
  69. Pure Bathing Culture - Night Pass https://purebathingculture.bandcamp.com/album/night-pass
  70. Reptaliens - Valis https://reptaliens.bandcamp.com/album/valis
  71. Gruff Rhys - Pang! https://gruffrhys.bandcamp.com/album/pang
  72. Royal Trux - White Stuff https://royaltruxmusic.bandcamp.com/album/white-stuff
  73. Ty Segall - First Taste https://tysegall.bandcamp.com/album/first-taste
  74. Joan Shelley - Like The River Loves The Sea https://joanshelley.bandcamp.com/album/like-the-river-loves-the-sea
  75. Sturgill Simpson - Sound And Fury https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/112458252
  76. Strand Of Oaks - Eraserland https://strandofoaks.bandcamp.com/album/eraserland
  77. Swan's chamber - Swan's chamber https://swanschamber.bandcamp.com/
  78. T Bone Burnett - The Invisible Light Acoustic Space https://www.deezer.com/fr/album/92819752
    1. Tamaryn  - Dreaming The Dark https://tamaryn.bandcamp.com/album/dreaming-the-dark
    2. Tycho - Weather https://tycho.bandcamp.com/album/weather
    3. Vaura - Sables https://profoundlorerecords.bandcamp.com/album/sables
    4. Vetiver - Up On High https://tunes.mamabirdrecordingco.com/album/up-on-high
    5. Wand - Laughing Matter https://wand.bandcamp.com/album/laughing-matter
    6. Jane Weaver - Loops In The Secret Society https://janeweaverfire.bandcamp.com/album/loops-in-the-secret-society
    7. Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising https://weyesblood.bandcamp.com/album/titanic-rising
    8. White Denim - Side Effects https://whitedenimmusic.bandcamp.com/album/side-effects
    9. White Reaper - You Deserve Love https://whitereaperusa.bandcamp.com/album/you-deserve-love
    10. Whitney - Forever Turn Around https://whitneychicago.bandcamp.com/album/forever-turned-around
    11. Billy Woods - Terror Management https://billywoods.bandcamp.com/album/terror-management
    12. Yohuna - Mirroring https://yohuna.bandcamp.com/album/mirroring

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